Interview DONT’s!

Published by rudy Date posted on October 10, 2010

Be late. But at the same time never be more than 30 minutes early. Do not pressure the interviewer by being someone s/he has to entertain and care for.

Wear perfume or cologne, because an excess of this will be a mark against you. One tiny spray is enough, if you really must. You’re there to get a job not to pollute the air.

Demand drinks or food, You simply have no right!

Chew gum. This makes you look juvenile and where will you put the gum once you’re done? Spitting it out in front of an interviewer is just plain disgusting.

Text, make or answer calls on your unsilenced cell phone. Not only is this rude, it also gives the impression you’re not serious about wanting a job. By doing this you are telling the interviewer that what you are doing is more important than your interview… so don’t be suprised if you’re not hired.

Wear all your jewelry, flaunt your piercings, and show off your tattoo. You’re trying to make a good impression, remember? While individuality is encouraged by certain creative industries. showing up with these discreetly hidden shows your interviewer that you respect the interview situation.

Bite your nails. Aside from being downright unsanitary, this indicates to interviwers that you are insecure and are unable to control yourself.

Wear skimpy clothing, especially if you’re a guy. Freedom of expression is an inalienable human right. But this right has to be counterbalanced with a healthy respect for the situation. You are trying to make a good impression, so dress appropriately and in a way that will not offend your interviewer. What if you are cross-dresser? Sorry but you still have to show up in clothing appropriate to your real gender if you want to make a good impression.

Show up in rumpled, messy and mismatching clothes, or show up unbathed. Again, the stress here is on making a good impression, and messy, dirty clothing and an unwashed body send only one signal to an interviewer: “I don’t care enough about this interview to present a good impression.” But what if you were caught in the rain or were otherwise placed in a situation you could not control that caused your clothes to get messed up? Apologize immediately to your interviewer and explain the situation, then ask if you can reschedule the interview. Be very polite and be clear about the reason, but be willing to go through with the interview anyway.

Being desperate. Okay, you might be desperate because you are in dire need of a job, but never lool pathetic in front of the interviewer.

Being talkative. The only time you are allowed to talk during the interview is after you have been asked a question. Know how to listen to the interviewer when he or she is speaking and don’t dominate the conversation.

Bringing your parents, boyfriend or bestfriend. Talk about looking immature and incompetent! If you really have to have them there, leave them outsider the building where the interview takes place.

Place your papers in a plastic bag or a dirty brown envelope. You are trying to look professional, and if your papers are in these rather disreputable looking containers then you cannot hope to impress anyone.

Not following up. A follow up is of great importance. It is what separates one applicant from the rest. Not following up tells employers that the applicant is not interested in working with them. After the interview, send a “thank you” email to the employer reiterating your interest in contributing to the continued success of their company.

Letting your parents do the follow up. After graduation from college, it is understood that your life is under your own control, including your search for a job. The employers might think that you are not mature enough to handle responsibilities. –Manila Bulletin

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