Economists hike 2011 forecast; cite healthy prospects

Published by rudy Date posted on December 7, 2010

THE ECONOMY could grow by a higher 5.0-5.5% next year, research firm GlobalSource Partners, Inc. said in a new report where it adjusted its 2011 forecast from 4.7% previously.

“With continued robust growth of overseas workers’ remittances, still very strong corporate earnings, a benign macro environment, and high business confidence and trust in the new administration, we are now looking at 5%-5.5% growth in 2011,” economists Romeo L. Bernardo and Margarita D. Gonzales said in a report dated December 3.

Last month’s Treasury yields free fall, meanwhile, is expected to correct but “our bet is they will stay in a low-level zone for the near term, likely below 5% for the next couple of years, drifting upwards only when public and private investment activity kick into high gear to warrant an adjustment,” they said.

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