Electronics sector sales expected to double in six years

Published by rudy Date posted on December 20, 2010

THE ELECTRONICS industry, the country’s largest export earner, could double its sales in six years with pledges for new manufacturing investments and expansions stacking up and 2010 performance so far bouncing back from 2009’s slump, an industry group said.

The government, however, will have to do its part by addressing the high cost of doing business to attract even more investors, the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines, Inc. (SEIPI) said.

“We are looking at doubling exports within the next six years,” SEIPI President Ernesto B. Santiago said in a telephone interview last Thursday.

This will mean $44.346 billion in electronics export sales by 2016, a 100% increase from the $22.173 billion made last year, Mr. Santiago said. — JADH, Businessworld

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