Philippines ratifies convention on domestic workers

Published by rudy Date posted on August 7, 2012

MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) – The Senate approved yesterday the resolution which concurs in the ratification of an international treaty providing legal protection for Filipino domestic workers and to ensure them decent wages and benefits.

Senate Resolution No. 816, or the Resolution Concurring in the Ratification of Convention 189, Convention Concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers, was approved on third reading with 20 votes, zero negative vote and zero abstention.

Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile lauded the passage of the resolution, noting the Philippines sends a large number of domestic workers abroad annually.

“We need to protect our workers and ensure that their rights are well-protected, that they have access to services that are beneficial to them, that they are treated well and that they are protected from abuses,” he said.

Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz described the Philippine Senate’s ratification of ILO Convention 189 as “historic.”

“(It) puts the Philippines on the forefront of global efforts to promote decent and productive work for household service workers,” she said.

The Convention requires the ratification of at least two Member States before its entry into force. Uruguay was the first country that ratifies Convention 189 in June this year.

Close to 1.93 million to 2.5 million Filipino household service workers could benefit from the Senate’s concurrence to the Convention’s ratification, Baldoz said.

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