UNSW/GVRN/ITUC-AP/Philippine Unions Online Survey on Domestic Violence

Thank you for completing the UNSW/GVRN/ITUC-AP/Philippine Unions Domestic Violence Survey.

Filling in this survey might have brought up issues for you.

There are helplines where you can speak to people and get independent advice, guidance and emotional support or you can contact your union.

Violence Against Women Helplines

1. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
Crisis Intervention Unit
Tel. No.: (02) 734­8635

2. Women’s Crisis Centre
Women and Children Crisis Care and Protection Unit
(02) 735­5555

3. Philippine National Police (PNP)
Women and Children’s Concern Division
Tel. No.: 723­0401 loc.3480
Call or text 117 (Patrol 117)

4. National Bureau of Investigation  (NBI)
Violence Against Women and Children Desk
Tel. No.: (02) 523­8231 loc. 3403

5. Philippine General Hospital
Women’s Desk
Tel. No.: (02) 524­2990; 521­8450 loc. 3072

6. Crisis Line
Tel. No.:+ 63 2 893 7603
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Email: crisisline@i-manila.com.ph


Introduction to the Online Survey
There is an international campaign to protect the jobs of workers who experience domestic violence. The Philippine Unions have joined this campaign because we know that one in every four married Filipina woman between the ages of 15-49 have suffered emotional, physical and/or sexual violence from their husbands.
Philippine unions know that domestic workers are very vulnerable to being abused by their employers. It is vital that women who are victims of domestic violence keep their jobs and their economic independence. Being economically dependent on an abusive partner only increases the risk and danger for women. Philippine unions also recognize that domestic violence can affect young men still living at home, men in same sex relationships, and that men can be abused by their female partner. Unions wants all workers to be safe in their homes and at their work.

If you know of someone who has experienced any form of family violence (any form of violence, abuse or mistreatment that might occur between family members such as violence between siblings) or intimate partner violence (committed by any person in dating, sexual or courtship relationships, live-in partners or with whom the person had a common child but is no longer romantically or sexually involved with one another, and marital relationships), or you have experienced it yourself, please take 10 minutes to complete the online survey.

There are three choices in the survey: (1) you yourself have experienced family/domestic violence; (2) you have not, but know someone who has; or (3) you have no experience, but you have opinions on the issue. The survey is online so it will automatically take you to the questions you need to answer.

The information you provide is kept completely confidential, as it is being safely collected by the University of New South Wales in Sydney Australia. No personally identifiable information will be associated with your responses to any reports of these data. Survey results will be presented as summary information only, and no individual answers will be shared.

Men as well as women can fill in this survey- whether you have personal experience or not. There is a special section for domestic workers.

Please tell co-workers, family and friends about this survey. The Philippines is the first Asian country to conduct this survey, and the information will help you and your unions to fight for better protection and contribute to the growing international knowledge about this important issue.

Family/domestic violence can take many forms:
1. threats – threatening to harm or leave the partner, or hurt or kill the children, other family member, or even pets
2. harassment – stalking
3. intimidation – destroying household property and personal items, or putting weapons on display
4. coercion – making a person do things against one’s will , or pressuring to get pregnant or end pregnancy
5. isolation – locking up in room or house, preventing the person from seeing his/her family or friends; denial or control of access to communication facilities like cellphones and computers
6. emotional or psychological abuse – yelling, name-calling, blaming, shaming, pa-guilty
7. physical abuse – includes bodily harm such as punching, hitting, slapping, pulling hair
8. sexual abuse – forced sex, demeaning remarks about the partner’s body or appearance
9. financial abuse – withholding money, preventing the person from getting or keeping a job, controlling shared resources, including bank accounts and common properties, delaying or withholding support

Filling in the survey
Many questions in the survey give a number of possible answers. Please check as many as apply to you, unless asked to do otherwise.

When asked about your work, we mean where you get your paid employment – this can be an office setting, school or college, community locations, private homes, retail or service settings, vehicles, or outdoors (or other places).

The information from the survey is a first step, but you might have immediate issues that need to be addressed. You should talk with your union officer, if any, or through us, if you are experiencing domestic violence and need support or if any of the questions bring up issues from the past for you. You will be referred to the right person/s or group who are specialists in handling domestic violence or related concerns.
You can refuse to fill this questionnaire, or not answer any of the questions, if you feel uncomfortable about it.

If you need further information about the questions or experience technical difficulties accessing or submitting the survey please contact the ITUC-AP Secretariat at tuvera_anna@ituc-ap.org.

Access the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.net/s/ImpactofDVattheWorkplace

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