6 in 10 Pinoys rate themselves poor – SWS

Published by rudy Date posted on December 8, 2015

About six in 10 Filipino voters rated themselves poor, according to the latest survey of the Social Weather Stations (SWS).

The SWS poll, taken from Nov. 26 to 28, found 59 percent of voters who claimed to be poor, 20 percent considered themselves “on the line,” while 21 percent said they were not poor.

The survey, commissioned by a certain William Lima, used face-to-face interviews of 1,200 respondents nationwide.

Most of the respondents from the Visayas (71 percent) considered themselves poor, 14 percent said they were on the line and another 14 percent said they were not poor.

Sixty-seven percent of voters in Mindanao said they were poor while 22 percent said they were on the line.

In Metro Manila, 38 percent considered themselves poor, 46 percent claimed they were not poor, while 16 percent said they were on the line.

In balance Luzon, 54 of voters said they were poor while the remaining 46 percent is split evenly among not poor and on the line.

In the SWS non-commissioned survey last September, 50 percent of Filipino families rated themselves poor.

The November survey only included registered voters, according to the SWS.

In September, 95 percent of respondents were registered voters, it said.

The survey has sampling error margins of plus or minus three percentage points for national percentages, and plus or minus six percentage points each for Metro Manila, balance Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao. –Helen Flores, Philstar

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