Future of Work

The 5 jobs robots will take last

Published by rudy Date posted on March 5, 2017

by Shelly Palmer, Mar 5, 2017 Last week, I compiled a list of the 5 jobs robots will take first. Today, let’s have a go at the 5 jobs robots will take last. For this article only, let’s define “robots” as technologies, such as machine learning algorithms running on purpose-built computer platforms, that have been…

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Robots and drones: Coming soon to a construction site near you

Published by rudy Date posted on March 1, 2017

The construction industry is turning to technology in a big way to enhance building processes. By Bob Violino, Mar 1, 2017 Advancements in the robotics field are helping to transform a number of industries, construction being one of them. Companies that build things can expect to see a host of new machines that perform a…

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Amazon’s next target: Call centers

Published by rudy Date posted on March 1, 2017

ByPYMNTS, Mar 1, 2017 After disrupting the retail market, Amazon is going after another industry, this time setting its sights on call centers. According to a report citing information from the firm The Information, Amazon’s Web Services unit is working a suite of cloud-based tools that it plans to sell to companies to help them…

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No, robots won’t take your job — just part of it

Published by rudy Date posted on February 27, 2017

Watch the video here.

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The 5 jobs robots will take first

Published by rudy Date posted on February 26, 2017

by Shelly Palmer, Feb 26, 2017 Oxford University researchers have estimated that 47 percent of U.S. jobs could be automated within the next two decades. But which white-collar jobs will robots take first?

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Robots taking jobs from peons, skilled

Published by rudy Date posted on February 24, 2017

GOTCHA By Jarius Bondoc (The Philippine Star), Feb 24, 2017 Two years ago when a vacancy occurred in a Hong Kong firm’s board of directors, they appointed an algorithm. The robot called Vital gets no executive pay, and is fed only large amounts of data. In microseconds it picks up on market trends “not immediately…

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Putting human call center agents on hold

Published by rudy Date posted on February 23, 2017

By Joseph Williams, Feb 23, 2017 How long do you think it will be until virtually all tier 1 call center agents are replaced by AI bots? I addressed this a bit in my Machine Learning session at last year’s Business Communications Summit.

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Disrupting the disruptors: Singapore rattles sharing economy with rule change

Published by rudy Date posted on February 23, 2017

By Fathin Ungku and Jeremy Wagstaff, Feb 23, 2017 Singapore, a keen early adopter of the sharing economy, has fired a warning shot across the bow of Airbnb and Uber with tighter rules that could shake up their business models and growth ambitions in Asia.

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Here’s what AI means for the future of healthcare

Published by rudy Date posted on February 22, 2017

Despite intelligent machines’ limitations, they will continue to play a bigger role in health care. by Spencer Nam, Jan 11, 2017 This new trade agreement will add $1 trillion to the world economy by Alex Gray 22 Feb 2017 Too hot, too cold. What porridge can tell us about women in science Although intelligent machines…

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Keeping ahead of the robots: What the workers of the future should concentrate on

Published by rudy Date posted on February 21, 2017

by Abby Jackson, Feb 21, 2017 This new trade agreement will add $1 trillion to the world economy Self-driving cars threaten the job security of millions of American truck drivers. At banks, automated tellers are increasingly common. And at wealth management firms, robo -advisers are replacing humans.

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Bill Gates: ‘Robots that take jobs should be taxed just like the people they replace’

Published by rudy Date posted on February 20, 2017

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates thinks governments should impose something akin to an income tax on each robot that replaces a human. By Liam Tung, Feb 20, 2017 Bill Gates: “Taxation is certainly a better way to handle it than just banning some elements of it.” Robots should be taxed at the same level as the…

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7 jobs that can’t be automated

Published by rudy Date posted on February 20, 2017

By Daniel Kurt, Feb 20, 2017 What are the jobs that can’t be automated? Today automation is making it possible to perform tasks more efficiently and precisely than any human could ever hope to do. While that’s great for companies, it’s a not-so-comforting thought for workers who could one day lose their jobs because of…

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Working from home doesn’t always work. Here’s why

Published by rudy Date posted on February 20, 2017

by Phil Schraeder, 20 Feb 2017 At GumGum, we’re conscious of treating all generations with respect, while also recognizing that millennials grew up in a very different world than Gen Xers and boomers. Recruiting and retaining millennials is a particular challenge, and it involves making them feel like they’re truly part of, and important to, your…

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How technology is reshaping supply and demand for natural resources

Published by rudy Date posted on February 18, 2017

By Jonathan Woetzel, Richard Sellschop, Michael Chui, Sree Ramaswamy, Scott Nyquist, Harry Robinson, Occo Roelofsen, Matt Rogers, and Rebecca Ross, Feb 2017 The ways we consume energy and produce commodities are changing. This transformation could benefit the global economy, but resource producers will have to adapt to stay competitive.

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Artificial intelligence doesn’t have to be a job killer

Published by rudy Date posted on February 15, 2017

Smart machines are clearly having an impact — including giving workers tools to make their professional lives easier By Bob Violino, Feb 15, 2017 What impact will artificial intelligence (AI) have on the workforce? Will smart machines really replace a large number of people in a variety of jobs?

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New report highlights opportunities and challenges of expanding telework

Published by rudy Date posted on February 15, 2017

New ILO-Eurofound report shows that the use of modern communication technologies facilitates a better overall work-life balance but, at the same time, also blurs the boundaries between work and personal life. Press release | 15 February 2017 GENEVA / BRUSSELS (ILO News) – The expanding use of digital technologies such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and…

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The moral dilemmas of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Published by rudy Date posted on February 13, 2017

by Vinayak Dalmia, Feb 13, 2017 Should your driverless car value your life over a pedestrian’s? Should your Fitbit activity be used against you in a court case? Should we allow drones to become the new paparazzi? Can one patent a human gene?

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The moral dilemmas of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Published by rudy Date posted on February 13, 2017

Do we need a new moral code for the age of drones and gene-editing? by Vinayak Dalmia, Feb 13, 2017 Should your driverless car value your life over a pedestrian’s? Should your Fitbit activity be used against you in a court case? Should we allow drones to become the new paparazzi? Can one patent a…

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The future of work is here, says Teleopti

Published by rudy Date posted on February 7, 2017

7 February, http://pressreleases.responsesource.com/news/92551/the-future-of-work-is-here-says-teleopti/ It’s every contact centre manager’s dream to have flexible schedules so that agents are available at high demand and off-line during quiet times According to Magnus Geverts at Teleopti, a ‘work from anywhere’ environment supported by Workforce Management (WFM) benefits customers, employees and the business Today, people expect to work their own…

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Robots will replace 250,000 government jobs — and that’s just the beginning

Published by rudy Date posted on February 6, 2017

Is your job dull enough that a robot could do it? If so, start worrying. By Steve Ranger, Feb 6, 2017 Many routine administrative roles have as much as a 96 per cent chance of being automated by current technology. Automation could replace 250,000 jobs in government over the next 10 to 15 years —…

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Your next lawyer could be a machine

Published by rudy Date posted on February 6, 2017

by Ephrat Livni, Feb 6, 2017 Lawyers are the professionals everyone loves to loathe. Jokes about attorneys abound, and Shakespeare’s line from Henry VI remains a cultural favorite: ”The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” Soon, that dream may come true, and machines will be the ones to do it. Academically trained…

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Made in … the future

Published by rudy Date posted on February 6, 2017

http://www.ozy.com/fast-forward/made-in-the-future/70003?utm_source=ozyge&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=6142016 Because a new era of manufacturing is just beginning. OZY and Predix from GE — the cloud-based development platform built for industry — have partnered to bring you an inside look at the future of digital industries, where people, data and productivity meet. Take a drive about four hours north of London — atop…

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Hey, robots, you an do the filing

Published by rudy Date posted on February 5, 2017

The Daily Dose, Jul 5, 2016 Because we’re unleashing a new wave of jobs that most of us haven’t even thought of. OZY and Predix from GE — the cloud-based development platform built for industry — have partnered to bring you an inside look at the future of digital industries, where people, data and productivity…

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Nearly half of current jobs could be automated by 2055, according to a new report

Published by rudy Date posted on February 3, 2017

by Patrick Caughill, Feb 3, 2017 According to a new report from the McKinsey Global Institute, nearly half of all the work we do will be able to be automated by the year 2055. However, a variety of factors, including politics and public sentiment toward the technology, could push that back by as many as…

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Nearly half of current jobs could be automated by 2055, according to a new report

Published by rudy Date posted on February 3, 2017

by Patrick Caughill, Feb 3, 2017 According to a new report from the McKinsey Global Institute, nearly half of all the work we do will be able to be automated by the year 2055. However, a variety of factors, including politics and public sentiment toward the technology, could push that back by as many as…

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25% of CEOs’ time is spent on tasks machines could do

Published by rudy Date posted on February 3, 2017

James ManyikaMichael ChuiKaty George, Feb 03, 2017 Soon after taking office, the new president created a national commission to examine the impact of automation. No family should pay an unjust price for progress, he announced, yet automation should not be viewed as an enemy. “If we understand it, if we plan for it, if we…

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The five industries leading the IoT revolution

Published by rudy Date posted on February 1, 2017

Manufacturing, transportation, and utilities top the list of industries investing the most in the Internet of Things. But others are catching up. By Alison DeNisco, Feb 1, 2017 As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to spread across the home and the enterprise, certain industries are leading investments in the revolutionary technologies that are changing…

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Transforming the agriculture industry using IoT and predictive analytics

Published by rudy Date posted on February 1, 2017

IoT is enabling the digital transformation of the agriculture industry. But infrastructure constraints, limited talent and digital skills, and the need for regulation around the capture and exchange of data present some challenges. By Tas Bindi, Feb 1, 2017 Agriculture is commonly cited as an industry that has much to gain by harnessing the Internet…

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This AI is coaching human call center workers in sympathy

Published by rudy Date posted on February 1, 2017

Cogito monitors customer service calls and offers advice agents by Darcie Thompson-Fields, Feb. 1, 2017 An AI is helping to coach call centre workers on their emotional intelligence. Boston-based startup Cogito has created a software that has learned to detect problems in conversation.

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Internet of things: CIOs are getting ready for the next big revolution

Published by rudy Date posted on February 1, 2017

What steps should your organisation take to be ready for the Internet of Things? By Mark Samuels, Feb. 1, 2017 The transportation business is among the highest spenders on IoT. Almost three quarters (71%) of IT leaders are now gathering data for IoT initiatives, according to 451 Research. Analyst IDC, meanwhile, expects global IoT spending…

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