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Research shows that office workers cannot concentrate at their desks. By Brian de HaaffCo-founder and CEO, Aha!@bdehaaff Have you seen any of these gimmicky office designs? Candy dispensers in conference rooms. Hammocks and indoor treehouses. Tech companies tend to be the worst offenders with the startup favorites: beer taps and table tennis.
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New report puts data behind the growing trend toward remote work around the world. By Greg Nichols for Robotics | Oct 29, 2018 A newly released report offers a snapshot of the spread of remote work arrangements globally. Survey data collected by the authors of the 2018 Global State of Remote Work report show that…
by Helen Flores (The Philippine Star) – Aug 20, 2018 MANILA, Philippines — The government should try to implement the proposed four-day work week for a month to see if it will help ease traffic problems in Metro Manila, lawyer Romulo Macalintal said yesterday.
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The jury had been out on the productivity effect of working from home. It’s returned with a surprising verdict. By Scott Mautz, Author There has been much debate about working from home and whether or not it’s a productivity boost or major productivity drain. Paranoid managers envision employees lying on their couches at home in…
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Nearly three-fourths of employees say they’d leave their current job for a company that lets them work remotely more often. BY ABRAR AL-HEETI, Oct 5, 2017 For many people, the option to work remotely has gone from perk to necessity. A whopping 85 percent of North American office workers say it’s important for their employer…
A new survey shows the pros and cons of a distributed workforce. By Greg Nichols for Robotics | October 4, 2017 That’s according to a new survey by hardware company Owl Labs, which makes teleconferencing solutions, and TINYPulse, which offers tools to conduct employee engagement surveys.
Working with geographically distributed teams is common, but managing these teams can create significant challenges that leaders need to address. Here are five key considerations. By Moira Alexander | Sep 12, 2017 The cloud is making it easier than ever before for businesses to adopt application delivery platforms that allow teams to work remotely. Working…
Women make up 42% of the leadership at remote companies, compared to 14% of Fortune 500 companies. Here’s how remote work can benefit men and women in the tech industry. By Alison DeNisco, Aug 11, 2017 Despite efforts to increase gender diversity, women still held just 25% of professional computing jobs in 2015, according to…
Work from home policies and remote companies are becoming more common in the tech industry. Here’s how to successfully navigate the new office dynamic. By Alison DeNisco | Aug 4, 2017 Work from home policies and fully remote companies are becoming more of a norm in the tech industry: IT and development roles are typically…
Remote working and flexible working is vital to sustain of the workforce of the future. By Eileen Brown for Social Business | January 20, 2017 ‘Remote working’ and ‘working from home’ is becoming more and more common with workforces. Businesses of the future must adapt in order to cope with the increasing complexities with our…
What is remote work? … and what can it do for my business and as a worker? – See more at:
This chapter was contributed by Zapier community manager Allison Groves Working remotely is a wonderful thing. It allows you to work when it’s best for your schedule, giving your teammates and company the chance to have your best work. It also lets you call your own shots, leaving you more creative, happier, and healthier (hello…
FROM THE JANUARY–FEBRUARY 2014 ISSUE The study: Nicholas Bloom and graduate student James Liang, who is also a cofounder of the Chinese travel website Ctrip, gave the staff at Ctrip’s call center the opportunity to volunteer to work from home for nine months. Half the volunteers were allowed to telecommute; the rest remained in the…
MORE PEOPLE ARE WORKING REMOTELY THAN EVER BEFORE. HERE’S HOW TO DO IT EFFECTIVELY. Where are you working right now? On your sofa? In a coffee shop with your earbuds in? From your tablet on an outdoor patio? If you work virtually—that is, “telecommute”—you’re part of a fast-growing trend in the modern workforce. But like…
A few of our readers sent reactions to my column two weeks ago about the Internet-based, work-at-home sector in the Philippines. While the original intention was to support new ways of working per se, some of our readers have also chosen to relate this as a means of helping solve Metro Manila’s critical traffic problem.
The ability to work from home is no longer just a fringe benefit for only a handful of employees, new research finds.
Work from home? Check out these jobs As technology allows more and more people to telecommute, interest and demand in working remotely is also rising. The team at job listings site FlexJobs looked at data from 30,000 companies between June 13 and July 13 to compile the top 25 companies offering the most telecommuting jobs.…
The ability to turn in your work from the comfort of your couch might sound like a dream — and increasingly so, this dream is becoming a reality for professionals all over the United States.
It’s women’s month!
“Support women every day of the year!”
Invoke Article 33 of the ILO constitution
against the military junta in Myanmar to carry out the 2021 ILO Commission of Inquiry recommendations against serious violations of Forced Labour and Freedom of Association protocols.
Accept National Unity Government
(NUG) of Myanmar.
Reject Military!
#WearMask #WashHands #Distancing #TakePicturesVideos
Monthly Observances:
Women’s Role in History Month
Weekly Observances:
Week 1: Environmental Week
Women’s Week
Week 3: Philippine Industry and Made-in-the-Philippines
Products Week
Last Week: Protection and Gender-Fair Treatment
of the Girl Child Week
Daily Observances:
March 8: Women’s Rights and
International Peace Day;
National Women’s Day
Mar 4— Employee Appreciation Day
Mar 15 — World Consumer Rights Day
Mar 18 — Global Recycling Day
Mar 21 — International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Mar 23 — International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims
Mar 25 — International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Mar 27 — Earth Hour