
Banks’ NPL ratio improves to 3.25% in March

Published by rudy Date posted on May 15, 2010

MANILA, Philippines – The ratio of non-performing loans (NPL) of universal and commercial banks to the industry’s total loan portfolio continued to improve as of end-March this year as corporate and individual borrowers were able to pay their outstanding financial obligations on time, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) reported yesterday.

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The rising survey phobia epidemic

Published by rudy Date posted on May 2, 2010

The Noynoy Aquino phenomenon – the emergence of a reluctant presidential candidate who is now poised to become the next Philippine president – has spawned another phenomenon. This phenomenon can be called SURVEY PHOBIA or the irrational fear of survey results.

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Why we should not take surveys seriously

Published by rudy Date posted on April 29, 2010

SURE WINNER?: Concern was expressed by a number of readers reacting to our Postscript of April 25 calling attention to propaganda that the only way Candidate X, who thinks he is a sure winner, to lose is for him to be cheated.

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Census taking an NSO mandate, not NSCB’s

Published by rudy Date posted on April 25, 2010

THIS is in reaction to Kristine L. Alave’s news report titled “Voting populations improbably high; numbers don’t add up.” (Inquirer, 3/17/10) First, we wish to correct the information that the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) has a “census department” headed by Redencion Ignacio. Ignacio is a statistical coordination officer of NSCB’s Social Sector A Division.

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Can P300,000 buy a favorable survey?

Published by rudy Date posted on March 14, 2010

IS IT A TIE?: Postscript has questioned some partisans’ calling a “statistical tie” the close ranking of presidential bets Noynoy Aquino (36 percent, Liberal) and Manny Villar (34 percent, Nacionalista) in the Feb. 24-28 nationwide survey of the Social Weather Stations.

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RP 4th most corrupt on Asia-Pacific list

Published by rudy Date posted on March 10, 2010

Gloria’s graft-ridden gov’t root of widespread poverty—Erap It is no surprise that the Philippines under President Arroyo is again still in the bottom list of corrupt economies.

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Durano bloated tourism figures, staff

Published by rudy Date posted on March 1, 2010

MACTAN, Cebu – Mactan is my favorite local tourist destination. It has an international airport with a lot of flights in and out. It also has a number of world class resorts. With the early onset of summer, it was time to take an advanced holiday in Mactan’s Plantation Bay.

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Damned lies and statistics

Published by rudy Date posted on February 8, 2010

THE recent double full-page “Ganito tayo noon, Ganito tayo ngayon” ads trumpeting the supposed achievements of President Macapagal-Arroyo bring to mind the quote attributed to 19th century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

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Employment visa creates thousands of jobs

Published by rudy Date posted on January 21, 2010

THE easing of visa restrictions has seen an employment bonanza as a total of 33,000 new jobs for Filipinos where created last year after more than 400 foreign businessmen and their dependents from 34 countries were given indefinite visas by the government.

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Accurate crime reporting adopted by PNP

Published by rudy Date posted on December 31, 2009

THE Philippine National Police (PNP) has adopted a more efficient and accurate system of crime reporting in line with its Integrated Transformation Program in developing police systems and procedures. The National Crime Reporting System (NCRS) is now being implemented in all PNP units to report crime incidents to the national headquarters for centralized recording.

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Less money for statistics may lead to failed programs–NSCB

Published by rudy Date posted on December 17, 2009

MANILA, Phlippines – If the government invests less on statistics, the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) warned that there would be a higher chance that government programs and projects would suffer from poor targeting, which causes leakages and exclusions.

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Incentives are fine, but incentives are also fines

Published by rudy Date posted on October 13, 2009

MANAGING FOR SOCIETY It’s surely meant well, the proposal of Rep. Rufino Biazon of Muntinpupa urging education authorities to record the volunteer work of students and credit it toward their National Service Training Program (NTSP) requirements. It makes even more sense these days when everything feels a bit like the 70s again—the floods, the sense…

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How high is unemployment?

Published by rudy Date posted on October 6, 2009

Researching a recent column, I couldn’t help noting how anomalous the figures in the quarterly Labor Force Survey (LFS) appear to be, as are some of the categories. An example of the latter is that “unpaid family workers”0 are counted as employed. (This is, it should be noted, also the case in other countries.) There…

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Recession looms as pump priming missed

Published by rudy Date posted on May 29, 2009

The country is three months away from a technical recession after the economy shrank by 2.3 percent in the first quarter compared with the final three months of last year due mainly to the government’s failure to deliver a massive pump-priming commitment.

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Sept 8 – International Literacy Day

“Literacy for all:
Read, Write, Click, Rise.!”


Invoke Article 33 of the ILO constitution
against the military junta in Myanmar
to carry out the 2021 ILO Commission of Inquiry recommendations
against serious violations of Forced Labour and Freedom of Association protocols.


Accept National Unity Government
(NUG) of Myanmar.
Reject Military!

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Time to support & empower survivors.
Time to spark a global conversation.
Time for #GenerationEquality to #orangetheworld!
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