
Upgrade secured by RP

Published by rudy Date posted on September 28, 2010

Country in ‘white’ list of tax standard-compliant states THE PHILIPPINES has been raised to the “white list” of countries complying with an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) tax information sharing standard.

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Sin taxes may be raised but only after boosting collections

Published by rudy Date posted on September 5, 2010

The Department of Finance (DOF) is amenable to reviewing the current law on the so-called sin taxes, which could help raise additional revenues for the cash-strapped government. Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima said he will support a review of the present structure of sin taxes, which are basically levies imposed on alcohol and tobacco products.

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Existing laws already provide tax stability – Recto

Published by rudy Date posted on September 5, 2010

Championing tax laws can have serious repercussions for a politician. Take Sen. Ralph Recto, for instance. In the Thirteenth Congress (2004 to 2007), Recto as chairman of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, sponsored numerous revenue measures, the most controversial of which was the Reformed Value-Added Tax (RVAT) law that increased the VAT from…

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Sec. Purisima looks at new nontax revenues to raise more funds

Published by rudy Date posted on September 5, 2010

As the value-added tax (VAT) on road toll has been put on hold by the Supreme Court—and since the court could make this temporary restraining order against “a tax [the VAT] on a tax [the toll]” permanent—the Department of Finance (DOF) is looking for other means of raising additional revenues through the government’s other line…

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Enrile pushes estate tax relief for homeowners

Published by rudy Date posted on August 29, 2010

Persons inheriting homes from deceased parents or relatives usually are overburdened by the estate tax which they could ill afford. Because of inability to pay the estate tax, some heirs are focused to sell their inherited property.

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Government eyes tax payments of licensed professionals

Published by rudy Date posted on August 22, 2010

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Finance and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) are drawing up a list of all licensed professionals to find out who among them are paying the right taxes.

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Sept 8 – International Literacy Day

“Literacy for all:
Read, Write, Click, Rise.!”


Invoke Article 33 of the ILO constitution
against the military junta in Myanmar
to carry out the 2021 ILO Commission of Inquiry recommendations
against serious violations of Forced Labour and Freedom of Association protocols.


Accept National Unity Government
(NUG) of Myanmar.
Reject Military!

#WearMask #WashHands

Time to support & empower survivors.
Time to spark a global conversation.
Time for #GenerationEquality to #orangetheworld!
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