TUCP throws support behind Davide

Published by rudy Date posted on October 27, 2003

The Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) today declared its solid support behind embattled Supreme Court (SC) Chief Justice Hilario Davide.

The TUCP announced that its members will join actions organized nationwide in support of the Chief Justice.

“We in the TUCP feel that the impeachment complaint initiated against Davide by
some 90 members of the House of Representatives is counterproductive and does not bode well for the economy and the country at large,” TUCP said.

“This latest caper tends to weaken democracy as it attacks one of the foundations of democracy in the country and probably one of the few institutions still enjoying the trust and confidence of the public”, TUCP added.

The TUCP also lamented the fact that the impeachment will only result to economic instability and that in the end the workers and their families will suffer.

“The way investors and the stock market are reacting should be enough basis for
the Congressmen to reconsider their actions. They must realize that this initiative lacks public support,” TUCP stressed.

The labor group is also concerned that the if the impeachment process is not handled well it may invite extra-legal intervention from adventurist groups and those wanting to topple the current system of governance and may eventually lead to the establishment of a totalitarian regime.

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