18 Chinese illegal workers nabbed

Published by rudy Date posted on February 1, 2009

MANILA, Philippines—Eighteen Chinese nationals purportedly coming to the country to visit were actually workers bound for a construction project at the Cagayan Economic Zone Area (Ceza).

The Bureau of Immigration on Saturday apprehended the 18 after they arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia).

They were ordered immediately deported to Macau, their point of origin, by Immigration Commissioner Marcelino Libanan.

The Migrant Compliance and Monitoring Group (MCMG) headed by Rolando Mansilla and Fernando Aquino reported the 18 Chinese nationals arrived on Air Macau Flight NX 852 and presented a group tourist visa at the immigration counter.

Upon questioning through an interpreter, it came out the 18 were actually going to work in construction at the Ceza.

“From their own admission, we confirmed they were not tourists as their documents showed but workers at the construction site,” the MCMG said in its report to Libanan.

Libanan said illegal foreign workers could not be allowed to rob Filipinos of employment.–Philippine Daily Inquirer

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