Fedex coming back

Published by rudy Date posted on March 17, 2011

Federal Express managing director for Indonesia and the Philippines Rhicke Jennings informed us that Fedex will be coming back to the Philippines with plans to increase its presence in the country. In 2009, Fedex closed its Asian hub in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority or SBMA – the first time the delivery giant ever closed a hub in its entire history – and transferred its operations to Guangzhou in Southern China. Close to a thousand employees lost their jobs as a result of the Subic hub’s decommissioning, with SBMA’s lost revenues estimated at P150 million a year. It’s no secret that Fedex pulled out due to protests by local cargo carriers who alleged that the US company’s 7th freedom flights were in violation of the Constitution since it virtually allowed the foreign carrier to infringe on the territory of local companies. 

US Ambassador Harry Thomas confirmed the news to us about the US company’s impending return to the Philippines, and our inside spy in Malacañang revealed that President Noynoy was so ecstatic upon hearing the good news. Our spy also told us that Fedex president Michael Ducker will be flying in soon to personally inform President Noynoy about their expansion plans. Fedex was recently reassured of the administration’s promise of “change” that included cutting down on bureaucratic red tape and more importantly, government corruption. –Babe Romualdez (The Philippine Star)

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(NUG) of Myanmar.
Reject Military!

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