
Who gets more out of marriage, women or men?

Published by rudy Date posted on July 13, 2017

She makes me tense. He argues with me. She appreciates me. Husbands and wives rate each other, and their unions. By Ben Steverman, Jul 13, 2017 The best marriages are win-win propositions, in which both spouses end up happier and healthier than they’d be if they were single.

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Eroding the nation’s foundation

Published by rudy Date posted on August 22, 2011

For continuously failing to solve our country’s poverty problem, some members of Congress and the Executive seem to be bent on intruding into, instead of protecting the more personal aspects of the citizens’ life — marriage and family. Aside from the RH bill, they are now proposing a Divorce bill.

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No divorce an ‘honor’ for Philippines, says Vatican envoy

Published by rudy Date posted on July 30, 2011

MANILA, Philippines—The absence of divorce in the country is a “point of honor for the Philippines,” according to the new papal nuncio, suggesting that the Vatican favored the Catholic Church’s opposition to legislation allowing divorce here.

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Philippine marriages going out of fashion

Published by rudy Date posted on July 16, 2011

Marriage is losing its luster for many in the Philippines, with an increasing number of couples starting families out of wedlock, the government census office said yesterday. More than 37 percent of the 1.78 million babies born in Asia’s Roman Catholic outpost in 2008 had unmarried mothers, it said in a statement, citing results of…

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Philippines stands all but alone in banning divorce

Published by rudy Date posted on June 17, 2011

MANILA — When citizens of the small Mediterranean nation of Malta voted in a referendum last month to legalize divorce, they reignited debate in the Philippines, one of the last countries, along with Vatican City, where divorce is still banned.

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Filipino-style divorce, anyone?

Published by rudy Date posted on June 16, 2011

There are only two countries in the world without a divorce law: Malta and the Philippines. Both are Catholic-dominated nations governed by politicians who are afraid to antagonize the bishops who seem to be more popish than the pope in their dogmatic interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. But Malta is expected to finally enact a…

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Chiming in on divorce

Published by rudy Date posted on June 13, 2011

Whose agenda is it anyway? Divorce is demanded in the name of women-empowerment. But if it is to be a law—and a just law, as laws ought to be!—then it ought to be empowerment of men and women alike. The absence of a divorce law at present imposes a disability on both men and women,…

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Father is delinquent in giving financial support

Published by rudy Date posted on June 13, 2011

Dear PAO, I am asking for help, I’m a single mom. What should I do? I want to ask for financial support for my child who is 7 years old. His father is working in a company but if I don’t force him to give money he will not give any for our son. He…

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Marry go round

Published by rudy Date posted on June 13, 2011

Something is wrong with our sense of values if we prefer imitations instead of the real thing. We will never have a strong sense of nationalism or love of country if we are fond of things imported than of things made here. Yet some members of our Congress particularly some leftist groups with alleged “nationalistic”…

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Marriage cannot be entered into on a whim or caprice

Published by rudy Date posted on June 10, 2011

Dear PAO, I am single and I want to know if I can get married with a married guy. He has been separated for like 10 years now. His ex-wife has 2 kids already with another man. Is it possible that we can be married even if my partner is already married before? Thanks. Ladyleo

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Grounds for declaration of nullity of marriage

Published by rudy Date posted on June 6, 2011

Dear PAO, I am an Australian male and I am very interested in a particular woman from the Philippines. We have met several times and are both interested in taking the relationship further. Her three children approve of me, which is great. However, she is married. On the other hand, she has been separated from…

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Legalizing divorce will help many overseas Filipinos

Published by rudy Date posted on June 5, 2011

Marriage as an inviolable social institution is not just a legal definition but also an ideal that we strive for. However, much as our culture embraces the importance and value of the family, there are cases where this social institution needs restructuring.

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Divorce or annulment: Same difference

Published by rudy Date posted on June 5, 2011

Another contentious issue is once again up for debate  with the Catholic Church as the primary opposition to the legalization of divorce in this country. But actually, the Church allows annulment in many instances. The basic interpretation of annulment is the declaration of a marriage to be null and void  essentially saying the marriage never…

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Divorce can be difficult for Filipinos

Published by rudy Date posted on June 4, 2011

MANILA: The Philippines Congress began this week a heated debate on the issue of legalising divorce, but many social scientists believe it hard to achieve in this majority Catholic country at present.

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3 of every 5 live-in partners say ‘yes’ to divorce

Published by rudy Date posted on June 2, 2011

HALF of Filipinos have expressed their agreement on legal divorce for separated couples, with 63 percent approval reported among live-in partners, the latest Social Weather Stations revealed on Wednesday.

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50% of Pinoys back divorce – SWS

Published by rudy Date posted on June 2, 2011

MANILA, Philippines – Fifty percent of Filipinos agree that divorce for separated couples should be legalized, results of the latest Social Weather Stations survey revealed Wednesday. The survey, conducted last March 4-7, 2011, found that 50% of adult Filipinos agree and 33% disagree with the statement, “Married couples who have already separated and cannot reconcile…

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“Unions in Digital Literacy:
Building a Better Future”


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to carry out the 2021 ILO Commission of Inquiry recommendations
against serious violations of Forced Labour and Freedom of Association protocols.


Accept National Unity Government
(NUG) of Myanmar.
Reject Military!

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